Commissions liSt: closed for 2022

The Commissions List has been closed since 10/15/2022 @ 11AM and will re-open when cleared, expected to be early 2023 after the holidays wrap up.

• We will be accepting requests for any custom designs, first come-first serve, until the list is full, at which point the list will close until it has been completely cleared.

• There will be 10 available commission spots for 2023, approximately one commissioned design will be put out per month.

• If the list is cleared faster than expected, more spots will be announced/raffled off in our Facebook group, Skyecat Originals.

• No money is due at the time you secure your spot, but a $100 design deposit will be due before we begin work on your design. When your spot is next up on the list, you will receive a link to pay your deposit via email.

• Once you have submitted your request you will get a confirmation email, followed by a second email within 24-48hrs with your spot number and follow up questions from our designer.

• Once you have a spot on the list, the spot is yours. If you decide you do not want your spot any longer, the next person on the list will take your place.

• You may not trade or sell a spot on the list, though you may elect to have another person take over as point of contact for your design.

• New custom designs have a 10 item minimum order. If you are unable to gather at least 10 orders by the close date of your order, the design will be archived for later use and everyone that already placed the order will have their payment refunded.

• You are welcome to post in the Skyecat Originals group, other relevant groups, or on your own social media to get more people to join your design's order. However, please refrain from sharing to groups with no-spam/no-sales rules to avoid group bans for yourself and us!

• After the delivery of your initial order of 10+ items, some designs can be made available for reorder with no minimum item requirements or additional fees. If you think you will be doing multiple orders of the same design, let our team know when filling out the request!

• We will accept ANY requests, however we reserve the right to turn down or suggest modifications to projects we are not comfortable doing, for personal or professional reasons.

• Examples of projects we will not take on: Heavily copyrighted subject matter, explicit imagery, merchandise centered on artists that do not approve of bootleg work.

• Examples of projects we love to take on: Team and club wear, anime and cartoon themed designs, artist collaborations, commemorative jerseys for events, artist merchandise for groups that support bootleg work.


Need to reorder a previous design?